Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So I had a BMI test run today.

For those who do not know the BMI stands for Body Mass Index and is a measure for how much body fat an individual has based on their height and weight. The specific device which they used to measure this sent a small jolt of electricity thru my body and then once it has passed thru all my fat, is sent back into the device. Based on this, it is able to determine your BMI.

Well although I run, bike and have been seriously weight lifting for the last several months my BMi was 24.9 which went placed in a chart of my peers places me at very poor not to say I am unhealthy just that 24.9% of my body mass is fat. Jeez!

Talk about reality check. People that see me tend to see my muscles and broad shoulders and in the past that has always been good enough but I am 33 and nowadays I want more. I want a ripped stomach and chest and this test proves I have a looooooong way to go.

Lately I have been doing massive cardio and strength training every other day. Running on an average 3 miles a day. Next week I am going to bump up that average to 4 miles a day. I have a reprieve for the next day until Thursday as I am sore and need to recoup but come thursday I'll be running at Ballys and doing some stomach exercises.

On a positive note I went from a 38 to roughly a 36 in pants and I do see a definite improvement in my endurance as well as definition. I think I am also going to start adding swimming into my routine - I love it but every time I go in Ballys - it is packed. I mean you can't do laps. There are way too many people - even at 6am. Mostly older people who live for the swim.

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