Thursday, November 27, 2008


I am off to pig out today. Have relatives who insist on feeding me till I explode - wouldn't want to disappoint them.

Been pretty busy lately with work, new office, a bunch of side projects and of course the never ending house work. It seems no matter how much time you devote to getting things 'taken care' of, you always find more stuff to occupy your time. I remember when I was younger still living with my parents, I always wanted to be older and my weekends was filled with staying up late and playing games and watching cartoons on sat.

Not anymore :)

I was talking to a friend this past week and they had never heard the term "Breaking Night." Not sure if it is a term that my friends and I invited while growing up or if it is a real term. In any case this friend had never heard of it and I was shocked. The term refers to trying to staying up all night and not going to sleep. You "BREAK NIGHT" So I had to explain to him that when I was younger that evey so often some of my close guy friends would come over to my place and we would "Break night" by watching Benny Hill, Dr. Who, play games, etc. Usually the first guy to knock out got pranked on - like we painted their nails or messed with him by flicking his ear while he tried to sleep.

I realised as I explained my younger weekend exploits that I had not "broke night" in quite a while - I mean years. Nowadays I break night over work. No fun at all. So I made a promise that this long holiday weekend, I would make the time and enjoy all the games, movies I spent so much time buying and collecting. So to all you workaholics out there - spend some time this holiday and break night with me. :)